Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Some Freaky Ass Shit!

Some people have too much time on their hands...but still this is some freaky ass shit.
I saw this on one of those conspiracy websites...

Open up a blank Word document.

2. Type in Q33 NY in capitals

3. Highlight it.

4. Change the font size to 48.

5. Change the actual font to wingdings (1).

Thanks to Sarah for telling me the truth about the flight number....I knew those paranoid assholes on the conspiracy website were lying!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bobby,
The graphics that come up are freaky, but 33 isn't any of the 9/11 flight numbers.
I liked the weird pictures on your blog, though.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

It isn't? Shit thats what it said on the site...

I knew those paranoid idiots on that site were lying!

Thanks for the info!

10:02 PM  

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